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The attractions of ceramics lie partly in its contradictions. It is both difficult and easy, with an element beyond our control. It is both extremely fragile and durable. Like 'Sumi' ink painting, it does not lend itself to erasures and indecision.

Spiritual Healing, Balancing Chakra, Aura Clearing

Starting price £150 (price depends on extent of blockages)

Spiritual healing is the practice (and experience) of restoring, harmonizing and balancing our Spirit or Soul.

Spiritual healing is a crucial part of the spiritual awakening journey. By revealing and soothing and healing the soul, a doorway is opened to deeper inner spiritual alchemy.

While physical alchemy is concerned with altering and transforming the properties within matter, spiritual alchemy is concerned with freeing your spiritual self which is trapped within you by the unrefined parts of yourself (e.g., your fears).  

My spiritual healing practice can offer us the chance to grow and transform in a way that no other path can.  As part of the spiritual healing, I also offer the balancing of the chakras – which are the energy systems throughout your body and aura clearing.  I use many methods to clear aura including my singing bowls, mediation, breathwork and I could recommend some essential oils, herbs, or even crystals for your bath. Once I have balanced your chakra and cleansed your aura – maintenance key to preventing negative energy clinging to your aura again – which can make you tired, distracted, or irritable.

After my spiritual healing practice, you will also have a sense of calm and focused intention and understand how you are feeling in your body (both physically and emotionally).

Book with us now